The Most Effortless Way To Get FREE Traffic, Premium Leads, And High Ticket Sales From LinkedIn
Find Out How We Took A Brand New LinkedIn Account And Banked $8,372 In Just 9 Days
This A.I. Powered App Makes It Easy For ANYONE To Get High-Ticket Sales From LinkedIn
No Monthly Fees ● No LinkedIn Experience Required ● ‘Done For You’ Campaign Included ● 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

With LinkDominatorAI In Your Corner You Can TODAY:

Reach MILLIONS Of Qualified Business Leads...
Connect & Convert At The Same Time, Make Sales 24/7...
Get EARLYBIRD Access To LinkDominator AI Now...

Our Game-Changing A.I Technology Is ALREADY Getting Beta Testers
Super Excited at the Power of this Lead Capture System

In Just 3 Steps You Can Have ANY LINK & Any Message
Inside The Inbox Of Hundreds Of Businesses
STEP #1 - Reach Millions Of Business Leads...
First and foremost LinkDominator gives you free access to the top business leads in any niche, and, lets you potentially reach MILLIONS of leads so you NEVER run out of leads!

STEP #2 - Easily Craft An Amazing Sales Process...
Now with linkedin automation and A.I based content creation, mixed into 1, you craft the sales process which will nurture the leads, develop a relationship and help you close the sale. It’s all done in seconds inside the dashboard.
STEP #3 - Get Paid In 2 Different Ways...
First and foremost LinkDominator gives you free access to the top business leads in any niche, and, lets you potentially reach MILLIONS of leads so you NEVER run out of leads!

DON’T DELAY! Try LinkDominatorAI Risk Free Right Now Before We Come To Our Senses!
Get EARLYBIRD Access To LinkDominator AI Now...

LinkedIn Is An ABSOLUTE GoldMine For Marketers
Hey, My name is Victory Akpos, I’m a long time marketer and 7 figure techpreneur, and over the last year I’ve been CRUSHING it with LinkedIn... See, It’s an absolute GOLDMINE for marketers,
Let’s take a look at some well known, and well researched stats about LinkedIn Marketing:
- Over 1 BILLION Buyer Leads Are Sitting Around In LinkedIn
- LinkedIn Content Receives 5X More Engagement
- Average Time Spent On LinkedIn Is 8 Minutes..1000% More Than Other Social Networks
- Over 80% Of LinkedIn Base Is Business/Buying Related!
- Over 67 MILLION Companies Are On LinkedIn

Bottom Line: If You’re Not Marketing On LinkedIn, You’re Losing Out BIG TIME!
These numbers mean one simple thing:
LinkedIn is a goldmine that should not be ignored...And there is no other better source for getting qualified buyer leads for any niche than LinkedIn...
If you’re not there - you’re missing out on the vast majority of buyer leads, PERIOD...
These Aren’t Just FANCY BIG Numbers You’re Looking At Here

But Doing LinkedIn Marketing ‘Manually’ Requires One Heck Of A Skill Set, Right?
Unfortunately LinkedIn Has Two main issues I Want To Touch on, and for YOU to know…
One, is the amount and type of work and skills you 'need' to have in order to thrive there.
The second, is their problem with automation.
Let’s start with the first one, here are the thing you 'need' to have in place to be a rockstar on LinkedIn:

You 'Need' To Have A Specific & SMART Messaging Process
Leads On LinkedIn don’t like spam or cold calling, they see through much of it and the process of approaching them is more different and delicate... It is highly recommended you consult an expert on LinkedIn Leads before messaging a single lead.
Of course LinkDominator takes care of that, but it’s important you understand what it takes.

Need To Have A Specific Follow, Message, Engagement Process
The Rules Are DIFFERENT In LinkedIn, Relationships Matter More! When is comes to engaging a lead, nurturing it until you get the sale, it’s all down to your strategy, and that strategy on LinkedIn is VERY different than other sources.
First and foremost there is a delicate process of following, sending invites, sometimes withdrawing invites, messaging leads, engaging them, posting content for them and some more, and all these really come down to having the best relationship possible with the lead before asking for the sale.

Build A HUGE Network of MILLIONS of Potential Leads You Can Sell To Or Sell As A Service...
Launch A Lead-Gen Agency In Less Than 60 Seconds WITHOUT Any EFFORT...
In 3 Simple Steps You Can Now Automate Your LinkedIn Marketing

Need To Work 10+ Hours DAILY To Complete All Tasks, Expect Loads of Trial & Error.
Unfortunately, all that requires alot of work, I’m talking almost half a day if you do it yourself and without help.
Not just software help, if you’re not using a software it’s highly recommended you hire or work with a professional that knows their LinkedIn marketing, if not for the results, then to save you hours of work per day!
Also, expect the whole process to be this long because of trial and error, unless consulted by a pro or using an automation tool, trial and error will be your best friend for a while.
Need To Compete For The Leads Attention (WHO Wants That?!)
My personal worst when doing this myself is competing for the leads attention.
After all, even with the entire process setup right, and the leads are at your fingertips, you still need to see what the competition is doing and do it better than them.
This is mandatory and if you do this manually you’re going to suffer for a while, of course LinkDominator takes care of that as well, we’ve covered everything possible, but it’s important you understand what to do when doing it yourself.
Need To Create Top Tier Content - Much Better And Engaging Than Other Networks
A big part of LinkedIn Marketing is content creation, most creators use A.I as help these days, but like most creators, if you do the same, you’ll never make your break!
A.I Is great, but there is a specific formula behind LinkedIn content creation that requires catering to this specific audience.
This can be a red ocean or a blue ocean, all depending on how good and relevant your content is.
And to summarize this..all this is simply alot of work, a well developed skillset and loads of patience for the mistakes.
Let me ask you something now that you know that:
All Of That Equates To Hard Work, A Hefty Skillset And Loads Of Patience. In Essence A Time and Tech Suck!
Forget the skillset and the effort for a second, these are difficult to swallow pills as is, but my question is even deeper than that:
Do You Have The Time For All That Hard Work?
Most marketers don’t, and if we’re being honest, there’s plenty of other faster ways to earn income online than LinkedIn Marketing when done manually.
This is why the vast majority of marketers FAIL or resort to Automation:
Do You Have The Time For All That Hard Work?
Which Is Why Many Marketers Resort To Automation!
So if all this manual work is this difficult and time consuming, it’s no wonder marketers resort to automation tools.
But see there’s a problem with that too, it’s problem #2 after the hard work
The Solution: A LinkedIn Verified Automation App That’s Takes Care Of EVERYTHING (With A.I!)
This is EXACTLY what I wanted to develop for this industry, being a 7 figure techpreneur means I have more resources and connections than the average person,
And with a vision of making my linkedin marketing (and yours) easier, faster and better, it was a match made in heaven.
We’ve Developed The Leading LinkedIn A.I Tech In The Industry, Reaching Millions Of FRESH Leads & Automating The ENTIRE Profit Process So You Don’t Have To!
I wanted something that takes care of the ENTIRE process of LinkedIn Marketing from 0 to hero.
From lead gen to lead closing to a done for you agency service, everything possible and needed in 1 simple to use app.
And with the help of A.I, it just makes things easier and faster.
And so here is the result in front of you, the amazing LinkDominator software.
Now you may be wondering, what about some real life results from people?

Here Are Some REAL LIFE Results Generated With LinkDominator
These Results Were Generated With LinkDominatorAI ONLY:

LinkedIn Doesn’t Like Softwares, Automation Or Manipulation..
The truth is that this is a smart, well respected platform with loads of active leads on it.
They do not see automation or manipulation of their algorithm, content or marketing with a good eye, they resent it and actively ban it.
That’s fair as all they want is to protect the goldmine, it’s a MASSIVE company, we don’t screw around with them, we work WITH THEM.

LinkDominator Doesn’t Just Work For Us…
Look At The Result Of This Corporate Client:
With The Right Technology, LinkedIn Marketing Becomes Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy.
So like I said..there are plenty of challenges if you want to become a profitable LinkedIn Marketer.
Most of these challenges can be solved with A.I, and if done right, all of them can be automated with A.I, allowing you to work about 1 minute to set the whole thing up.
And since we’re LinkedIn Approved, you never have to worry about getting banned or losing your business overnight!

Your Personal Business Lead Goldmine - Completely Automated With A.I!

In Just 3 Steps You Can Have ANY LINK & Any Message
Inside The Inbox Of Hundreds Of Businesses
STEP #1 - Reach Millions Of Business Leads...
First and foremost LinkDominator gives you free access to the top business leads in any niche, and, lets you potentially reach MILLIONS of leads so you NEVER run out of leads!

STEP #2 - Easily Craft An Amazing Sales Process...
Now with linkedin automation and A.I based content creation, mixed into 1, you craft the sales process which will nurture the leads, develop a relationship and help you close the sale. It’s all done in seconds inside the dashboard.
STEP #3 - Get Paid In 2 Different Ways...
First and foremost LinkDominator gives you free access to the top business leads in any niche, and, lets you potentially reach MILLIONS of leads so you NEVER run out of leads!

DON’T DELAY! Try LinkDominatorAI Risk Free Right Now Before We Come To Our Senses!
Get EARLYBIRD Access To LinkDominator AI Now...

LinkDominator AI’s Foundation Is LinkedIn Approved - Which Means Long Term Reliability & Full Compliance!
We work WITH LinkedIn not against them, being an approved app has a huge benefit, an unapproved app may be banned anytime because they’re not compliant.
But when using LinkDominator, you’ll know it’ll keep working for as long as you 'need' it to, hassle free and ban free, you can freely pick leads and sell to them right inside the dashboard WITHOUT any beef with LinkedIn!
With LinkDominatorAI, You Can Forget About Technical Know How, The Social Norms Of Like, Follow & The Rest…Even How To Research Leads From Scratch…
It’s ALL Done For You.
And not because these things go “poof”, They’re still very much there.
But the software along with the smart A.I COMPLETELY automate everything from start to finish.
It performs multiple important tasks ranging from list building to email marketing to compliance,
That is quite alot indeed, but in reality, for you the user, it’s a matter of a few clicks.
The software works mainly in the background.

So now we’re at a cross roads, on one hand, doing this yourself is hell, on the other hand, using automation is forbidden (in most cases)
So - what’s the solution to that?
So If Automation Isn’t Allowed & Manually It’s Way Too Complex, What Do We Do?

This will ensure that when you do ask for the sale (we help you with that as well), you will have a much higher chance of closing it and earning the money!

Watch Us ‘Mine’ LinkedIn Leads In Less Than 5 Minutes:

Here's The Full Scope Of What Link Dominator Can Do For You:

A.I Based Audience Creation:
This enables users collect audience from multiple Linkedin sources like the Linkedin search list, network connections, post engagement, event attendees and group members
Professional Sales Navigator Leads
This enables users collect audience from multiple Linkedin sources like the Linkedin search list, network connections, post engagement, event attendees and group members

Easy Add Leads
With the LinkDominator chrome extension, leads can be easily added to your CRM list directly from linkedin Sales navigator and with the audience function.

Automatic Message Follow Ups
Setup follow up messages that you can send out on instant or on scheduled to a specific audience list.
Profitable Autoresponder Messages
Setup auto-responder messages using certain keywords a message conatins to auto-respond to them. This can also be skill endorsement or follow up messages

Get Relevant & Profitable Lead Information
With LinkDominator you can scrape leads information or newly targeted audience information
Auto Endorse Leads
Endorse leads skills on your list or newly targeted connection skills

Auto Follow Leads
Automatically follow all your leads or newly targeted connections
Quick Withdraw Sent Invites
Easily withdraw a bulk of invites within certain days sent

Smooth AI Writer
With the power of AI, you can generate contents within the likes of "First cold email, Linkedin connection message, Personalized ice-breaker" in seconds.
Invite Post Scheduler
Publish post directly to your Linkedin feeds instantly or on schedule(UTC)

High Quality Agency Websites Builder +10 Niches
Publish post directly to your Linkedin feeds instantly or on schedule(UTC)
Here Are The 10 Niches That Come With The DFY Builder
Each Niche Is Thoroughly Researched And Is A Great Fit For LinkedIn, You’ll Crush It In Each!
- LinkedIn Marketing Agency
- Social Media Marketing Agency
- Video Marketing Agency
- Mobile App Development Agency
- SEO Business Agency
- Web Design Business Agency
- Content Marketing Business Agency
- Voiceovers Marketing Agency
- Course Creation Marketing Agency
- Copywriting Business Agency

And DOZENS More Support Features That Take LinkedIn AI To The Next Level - Whatever Your Niche
With LinkDominatorAI In Hand, ANYONE Can:
Reach MILLIONS Of Qualified Business Leads

Connect & Convert At The Same Time, Make Sales 24/

Build A Huge Network Of Millions Of Potential Leads You Can Sell To Or Sell As A Service

Launch A Lead-Gen Agency In Less Than 60 Second WITHOUT Any Effort

Automated LinkedIn Marketing Down To A Few Steps Using Smart A.I.!

Get EARLYBIRD Access To LinkDominator AI Now...

Ramp Up Your LinkedIn Lead Capture With Our Powerful Servers, Fast & Efficient Support & LinkedInAI’s Ultra Fast Task Execution.
Our tech isn’t some low-quality basement-born tech (although some amazing creations were born in basements, but most of them are low-quality garbage so technically I’m right)
Like I said, I’m a 7 figure technopreneur, I’ve got enough connections, and experience to hire a professional team to develop something as innovative and as BIG as this.
So aside from a fancy dashboard, behind the scenes, you will enjoy very strong and reliable servers, very fast and effective support & smooth task execution by the A.I, no lags no long loads, no bugs and issues.
Smooth Smooth high quality tech.

Special Pricing Just For You, Just For Today
If you’re reading this line on this page, it means it hasn’t been deleted yet.
Which means we are still running a special offer.
This is your only opportunity to get a technology that makes even billionaires pay attention to your marketing for a low, one-time price.

Why Such A Low Price?
Let's be honest, everyone is selling these “affordable” courses and Software are what’s “HOT” now.
Yes, we can charge more, and yes we should charge more because this method is UNLIKE any other method out there. But we won't. Because the more people we will get to buy this during launch time, the more customers we will have to do business with in the future.
But we will make small increases, and then we will increase it like CRAZY when the launch will be over. MARK MY WORDS, it WILL increase.

Try LinkDominatorAI Free For 30 Days
Whether it’s our top-notch support, whether it’s the product itself or the delivery of the product.
We CANNOT guarantee results, we CANNOT guarantee anything will happen. We can just share our own results and how it absolutely changed our businesses & our lives. However, we CAN guarantee that we did our BEST to make this software as effective as possible.
If you encounter any technical problem with the software and support cannot help you resolve it, we will refund you. Also, you can test it out risk-free for 30 days.
Get EARLYBIRD Access To LinkDominator AI Now...

Thank Your For Your Time,

VIctory Akpos & The Entire LinkDominatorTeam

Q: Is LinkDominatorAI a downloadable software? What system do I need to run LinkDominatorAI?
A: It’s a cloud-based software, and it works on any device.
Q: LinkDominatorAI sounds like A LOT, and I mean it in both the good and bad ways, I’m worried I wouldn’t know how to use it. Is it really beginner-friendly? And if so, please point me to the section on the page that shows it.
A: LinkDominatorAI is indeed ALOT, in terms of the tasks it performs, it performs multiple important tasks ranging from social marketing like following and messaging all the way to content creation and lead reach, that is quite alot indeed, but in reality, for you the user, it’s a matter of a few clicks. The software works mainly in the background.
Q: I’m kind of afraid to invest, nothing against you, just had some bad experiences online. Do you have some kind of refund policy to protect me?
A: Yes, 30 days no questions asked.
Q: I’m a marketer and to be honest, all I care about is getting more traffic, sales, leads & profits. I haven’t fully decided where my focus is going to be, is LinkDominatorAI for me? Can I use it in basic marketing methods like affiliate marketing, eCommerce, and social media?
A: Yes definitely! LinkedIn Is a goldmine of traffic and leads that CONVERT, and that is only currently accessible with something approved and good like LinkDominator.

Copyright © LinkDominator 2024
11 High Ticket Sales
Within Days Of Activating LinkDominator

Plus 9,781 Active Leads Generated From LinkedIn In Just 8 Days

$43,220.57 Generated From Scratch In Just 8 Days
EXCLUSIVE BONUSES For You The Fast Action Takers:
So What Are You Waiting For?
Get LinkDominatorAI A.I & The Bonuses For A Special Price Now:
Considering Other Options?
Rest Easy With LinkedIn AI - Other Technologies Can Do More Harm Than Good…
Because LinkedIn Marketing Is a DELICATE Process..
Unless your current tools are 100% LinkedIn Compliant you might actually get yourself banned, with all the consequences that entails. BAD NEWS!
The GOOD NEWS is that LinkedIn AI is Totally LinkedIn Compliant
This is a BIG NO NO, and LinkDominator was created to be LinkedIn Approved.

Get EARLYBIRD Access To LinkDominator AI Now...

Ultimate SMS is a powerful, flexible, and User-friendly Bulk SMS Marketing Application. It’s also an all-in-one solution for your SMS marketing. It’s easy to use & install.
White-Label License to Ultimate SMS - Bulk SMS Application For Marketing (Worth $997)
Bonus #1

SMM Matrix is a social media marketing tool. This software includes almost everything you need to do a social media marketing business. It has services lined up for every social media platform and hence is a very versatile platform. Be it likes, followers, views, or even general engagement or website traffic, SMM Matrix can get it all, and that too at a price that does not burn a hole in your pocket.
White-Label License to SMM Matrix - Social Media Marketing Tool (Worth $997)
Bonus #2

MultiSaas – Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Website Builder SAAS PHP Scripts. It use Separate Database for each tenant, so that your website loads fast, and has the option to add custom domains. automatic subdomain creations and much more. it comes with a different 5 theme with necessary inner pages, it will help your tenant to multiple types of website easily without hassle or thinking much about design. It also has 19+ payment gateway, and more than 150currency support. It’s highly customisable, it comes with many awesome features, like drag & drop menu builder, drag & drop form builder, drag & drop widget builder and many more. it’s compatible with Desktop, laptop, mobile and also compatible with major browsers.
White-Label License to MultiSaas - Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Website Builder (Worth $997)
Bonus #3

Biolinks is the only social bio link platform you’ll ever need, including a fully-featured URL Shortener & a QR Codes system.
White-label License to Biolinks - Bio Links, URL Shortener & QR Codes Generator (Worth $997)
Bonus #4

An all-in-one platform for vendors to sell products globally with ease. Beautiful, hand-crafted designs to get you started. Install any demo or template with a single click. Mix and match anything including the blog section to have your SEO ready.
White-Label License to Martvill - A Global Multi-Vendor Ecommerce Platform to Sell Anything (Worth $997)
Bonus #5

OpenAI Davinci is a powerful SaaS platform that allows your users to use sophisticated OpenAI Artificial Intelligence technology to generate various Text Contents, such as articles, blogs, ads, media and so on in 28 languages. The Potential of what your users can generate is basically endless. Users can also generate AI Images just by describing the image via OpenAI DALL-E AI Solution. Davinci has a powerful backend admin panel that allows you to control what kind of Openai Models (Ada, Babbage, Curie, Davinci) you want to allow for each user groups. You can also create granular subscription plans that will include precise models to use and plenty of additional features. Its writing assistant capability fits into any business and helps to save ton of time. Start your personal SaaS business within minutes with Davinci today!
White-Label License to OpenAI Davinci - AI Writing Assistant and Content Creator as SaaS (Worth $997)
Bonus #6

BuzzLab, is a simple and professional Email and SMS Marketing Solution that comes with PHP laravel. It’s developed for those people who are looking for a marketing tool to promote their business. It’s helpful for Marketers, promoters, site owners, lead generators, newsletter senders, offer senders, and digital marketers. The U.S. e-marketing market size was valued at USD 3.5 billion in 2018 and is expected to register a CAGR of 20.3% from 2019 to 2025. According to Gartner, SMS open rates run as high as 98% compared to email’s 20% mark. What’s more, is the data cited by Digital Marketing Magazine indicating 75% of consumers actually prefer to receive promotions via text message.
White-Label license to BuzzLab - Bulk Email And SMS Marketing Platform (Worth $997)
Bonus #7

Upload your logo, select custom colors, select a pattern and download the final QRcode. Available formats: .png, .svg.
White-Label License to QRcdr - Responsive QR Code Generator (Worth $997)
Bonus #8

PayMoney is an online payment gateway that ensures smooth and secure transactions. It will help to keep your account more secure & reliable. Enjoy safe online payments through PayMoney. This system is similar to larger payment services like PayPal or Stripe.
White-label License to PayMoney - Secure Online Payment Gateway (Worth $997)
Bonus #9

Academy Lms is a marketplace script for online learning. Here students and teachers are combined together for sharing knowledge through a structured course-based system. Teachers or instructors can create an unlimited number of courses, video lessons and documents according to their expertise and students can enroll in these courses and make themselves skilled anytime and from anywhere.
White-Label License to Academy - Learning Management System (Worth $997)
Bonus #10

Plus Steady Stream Of Premium Coaching Student Leads Overnight
Using Our Brand New LinkedIn Automation Software